Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jangan Basuh Rambut Ketika Haid???

Pernah tak korang dengar orang cakap jangan cuci/basuh rambut ketika period?? Aku pernah dengar tentang hal ni tapi dah lama dah. Bebaru ni aku terdengar lagi pasal mitos ni... Ade tak yang tahu kenapa tak boleh???

Artikel ni aku jumpa dalam tempayan email aku. Dah makin mendap ke bawah so aku gali balik untuk tepek kat sini. Tapi artikel ni dalam english. Rasanya korang boleh paham kot sebab simple english je dia guna.. Jangan la suh aku translate kang tak tersampai lak mesej sebenar. Orang sampai ke Jepun, aku sampai ke Gaza (ape motif ni tah??)

It has been a traditional theory that ladies are NOT suppose to wash their hair during their period.

But there are no solutions to the question why??

The victim will only realise at their later stage of their life, facing the symptoms of breast and ovary cancer.

Today ladies still wash their hair during their period with thinking that they will be safe if they blow dry their hair. But this will not prevent them from getting the cancer.

A well known Taiwanese medical professor specialise in cancer research based in a  Japanese university did a survey on 30,000 pre cancer patients. She found these patients are very choosy in their food, wash their hair during their period and carry heavy objects and drink cold drinks. This will course the incomplete of ovulation and the remaining menses will turn into toxic and the imbalance of hormone will lead to ovary and breast cancer.

During the research she found the method of prevention to these cancer. The secrets are:
  1. One must change their lifestyle and eating habits.
  2. Do not wash our hair while having period, do not wash your hair just for the cooling effect and contraction of ovary
  3. Excessive bleeding must be investigated by a gynae
  4. No cold drinks.
If you feel drowsy, breast expansion and constipation these are the early symptoms of ovary or breast cancer. To prevent use:
  1. Black sugar
  2. chinese lotus (leng ngau)
  3. carrot, and
  4. barley
**boil to soup and drink. This is the best prevention.
    Korang rasa cemana???  Aku tak leh la kalau tak basuh rambut... nanti kepala jadi gatal. Nak2 pulak bertudung, lagi la rasa kepam je rambut tu.. Kalau period tu sehari dua tahan la jugak, tapi kalau seminggu, 10-15 hari, mau pekong bau rambut.. Mana tahan!!!!


    1. ye k??? serius gk kalo b;h sbbkn kanser tu.. lya pon tgh period sjrang, smlm bru jer bsyampoo.. adoiiii.. mcmana ni??

    2. samela..tak tahan gak.....maybe bolehelakkan yang lain2 sepeti angkat benda berat...minum ais....dan banyakkan makanan yang tak cuci rambut?..nononononononono

    3. selalu jer basuh rambut macam biasa..selang sehari..kalo tak rasa gatai kulit kepala..
      tapi..untuk jaga kebersihan diri takkan tak boleh...
      insyaAllah..tak de ape2 lah kot...

    4. kalau cuci je ok kot x yah nk pakai hair dryer..kalau x cuci..kepam ko..dah le pakai tudung....

      dalam islam x larang kita mencuci rambut masa dalam haid.. mesti ia bukan punca utama cancer...

    5. Sy ada masalah klo sy cuci rambut,mperiod sy akannterhenyi. Sy mungkin setuju dengan pendapatbartikel ni,
      Wash hair give cooling effect to ovary system, n it may cause this happen.

      By the way.. period sy singkat je.. 3 hari..mso utkntanak jd masalah stop 4 1 day only.. sy tak basuh rambut utk tempoh tu..
      Alau basuh, sy akannjd lemah, bdn berangin n mcm2 lagi.

    6. Sy ada masalah klo sy cuci rambut,mperiod sy akannterhenyi. Sy mungkin setuju dengan pendapatbartikel ni,
      Wash hair give cooling effect to ovary system, n it may cause this happen.

      By the way.. period sy singkat je.. 3 hari..mso utkntanak jd masalah stop 4 1 day only.. sy tak basuh rambut utk tempoh tu..
      Alau basuh, sy akannjd lemah, bdn berangin n mcm2 lagi.
